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Friday, September 30, 2016


Kangen Simbok - Batman version

Everyone seems to be busy updating “Happy Mothers’ Day” as their status today. How lucky of them, to have their moms by their side up to this very moment. Honestly, I would love to also wish my mother a happy mothers’ day. Unfortunately, she had long passed away. And even if she were still here, it’s probably useless, since she’s not the type to 'check up on her Facebook'. Back then, she were always working, and if not, spending time with her children. Even when the kids are 'naughty and rebellious'.

And somehow everytime I come across a Batman figure, it would always remind me of her. That’s why I love Batman so much, for it brings me the beautiful memories of my mother.

I remember the time she took me out for a walk to THR Surabaya in 1970. She would always buy a pair of PEZ candy (the one with the Batman’s head on it) –one black and the other blue. The black one is for me and the blue one is for my little brother.

Kangen ibuk. I love you, Mom. I hope you rest in peace.
Ibuk mungkin bisa baca ini. Al Fatiha.